YoWorld Wiki

These are the rules of this wiki.


  • Vandalism and spam will not be tolerated in this Wiki.
  • No adult material on this Wiki, this may include but is not limited to, adult language, sexual material, or discussion of crimes.
  • Advertising is not allowed here unless you are partnered with the Wiki, which is currently not an available service at the moment.
  • This community is independent in regards that it does not rely on any other fan sites or fan entity of YoWorld, only on its players and wiki contributors alike. While it is permitted to write and work on articles discussing other fan sites and entities, it should be done so in an unbiased, truthful manner. The Wiki does not do slander or play favoritism.
  • You cannot impersonate; celebrities, YoWorld Wiki Staff, Zynga Staff, Big Viking Games Staff, or any YoWorld Player who isn't you.
  • There will be no hate or hateful content on the Wiki, it will not be tolerated what so ever.
  • Currently, the YoWorld Wiki is not a price guide, please refrain from adding prices to item pages.
  • Absolutely no links or linking to third-party programs. Currently, the only mobile apps available for YoWorld are YoPass and the YoWorld Mobile Companion App. Links to other third-party apps, sites, tools, or functions, will not be tolerated. Violation of this rule will result in automatic account termination.